Updated Studio Logo
Project Ambitious got a new studio logo this week. We’re still working on making sure it looks right on all of our platforms. Please excuse our dust as our online presence is a little “under construction” at the moment.

Project Ambitious’ new studio logo
We did a lot of playtesting this week. After all the refactoring last week, it was important to make sure everything still worked. Not only did we refactor the weapon code, but we also changed several of the player control systems. I’m happy to say that almost everything is functioning properly.
Are you interested in being a playtester? We’ll be looking for gamers of all kinds later this year to push our game to the limits, so follow us on Twitter or Facebook to be the first to know.
Between playtesting sessions, I started to focus on character animations. The first animations I need to create are for walking and running. I’m starting by creating rough outlines, and making sure they blend together smoothly. Once I have a solid framework, I’ll start polishing each individual animation.
The concept art this week has largely been focused on the environments and non-humanoid characters. Overall, its a nice change of pace from the characters and weapons we’ve been sketching for the past few weeks. We did model a few new weapons though.

It’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s a…

One of the new weapons Kyle modeled this week
Oh, and we’ve got a Discord server, where you can hang out with the team and talk about gaming, art, or whatever life questions you’re pondering.
Silas Talley, Creative Director / Studio Manager