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  1. Raven Helmet
  2. Toxin Grenade VFX update

Balance Changes

  1. Rogue Shotgun range decreased to 42m Spread increased
  2. Super minion base damage lowered to 95 (from 105)
  3. Hunter health increased to 60,000 (from 30,000)
  4. Angel health increased to 96,000 (from 32,000)
  5. Dual Wield damage reduced by 20%
  6. Halberd
    1. Rate of Fire reduced by 180 to 120
    2. Damage increased from 85 to 90
    3. Headshot bonus damage increased from 15 to 18
    4. Burst Delay reduced from .12s to .1s

Bug Fix

  1. Fixed bugs with dodge rolling cancelling animations for Dual Wield