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Patch Notes

Patch Notes for Update 0.9.16

By August 24, 2020October 4th, 2020No Comments

This week’s patch introduces a new starter item for DPS weapon specialists!

New Content

  1. Reaper Clip – Starter item for Weapon Specialists with Bonus Weapon Damage and a Unique Passive – Gain Health when killing units (minions and players)
  2. New “Ping Location for Allies” system. Press Middle Mouse Button (MMB) to ping a location on your allies’ screens.

Stat Changes

  1. Wrist Rocket – Energy Cost increased to (30, 36, 42, 48, 54) was (10, 12, 14, 16, 18)
  2. Wrist Rocket – Cooldown increased to 5 seconds was 3 seconds
  3. Caster Vitality – Health increased to (200, 350, 500, 650, 800) was (200, 300, 400, 500, 600)

Bug Fixes

  1. Jungle camps (Rogue Minions) will now synchronize their respawn with the terminal being refilled with resources
  2. Fixed keybinding numbers not working in the hud
  3. Fixed bug where the game would freeze if jungle minions took damage


  1. Removed the “Instant Respawn for 200 Metal” mechanic
  2. Killing the Hunter Boss (underground) grants a 2 minute team buff – players will respawn instantly after death while the buff lasts.
  3. Main Menu environment art improvements
  4. Added explanation of Recruiter system to the UI
  5. Updated colors for enemy and ally health bars and shield bars

Join us for playtesting on Monday @ 12:00 PM EST (noon) and Wednesday @ 7:00 PM EST or Saturday @ 7:00 PM EST

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