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New Content

  1. Item – Critical Lifesteal – Weapon Lifesteal and Critical Hit Rate
  2. Item – Critical Overload – Bonus Weapon Damage and Critical Hit Rate
  3. Item – Energy Resistor
  4. New Damage Type – Energy Damage
    1. Some abilities (and potentially items in the future) will deal Energy Damage instead of Physical Damage (the standard damage type in Revn). Armor does not protect against Energy Damage, but a new stat, Energy Resistance, does protect against it.
    2. We will be rolling out Energy Damage across more abilities over the next couple of weeks.

Stat Changes

  1. Damage Booster – Increased Ichor Cost to (400, 600, 800, 1000, 1200) was (200, 450, 700, 950, 1200)
  2. Wrist Rocket Ability now deals Energy Damage instead of Physical Damage
  3. Thermal Vision Ability – Decreased Cooldown to 10 seconds (was 30 seconds)


  1. VFX for Shield Recharge Ability
  2. Icon for Sentry Turret Ability
  3. Character Stats panel now shows Cooldown Reduction stat
  4. Added a new (work in progress) soundtrack
  5. Improved UI for “Refer A Friend” system
  6. Removed Color Wheel because it is very buggy and will not be worked on for a while. Use the color Palette system instead.