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Who are you, and what’s your job title?

Howdy, friends~

My name is Sarah and I’m one of the newest members of the Ambitious Games team. I’m taking on the role of Marketing Director and I’m stoked to become more ingrained within the REVN community.

Part of my duties in this role will entail community management, so we’re likely to become bffs. I want to know the most intimate details (👀) of your experience with the game so that I can share with the team and we can continue to make the game what you want it to be. Your feedback is crucial to the ongoing development of REVN and we value your input dearly.


What do you do after hours?

I love social gaming. My favorite title is Overwatch and I’m absolutely anticipating the release of Overwatch 2. Outside of gaming I enjoy going to music festivals, exploring nature (I’m currently attempting to learn to forage), and making new friends. I love learning about the intricacies of mental wellness (psych major, here) and integrating them into my own life. 


Why did you choose to work for Ambitious Games? 

I’m grateful to be working with Ambitious Games for a few reasons, but the main one is most definitely the priority that is placed on team members’ well-being. The person comes first here, through and through. This is the most inclusive work environment I’ve been part of and it’s a delight to get to work alongside my friends. 


What’s your favorite thing about REVN?

I love the fact that you are able to tailor your character to your unique playstyle! Typically with MOBAs you choose a character who has pre-defined traits, but REVN is unique in that you can fully customize your loadout and avatar. The graphics are pretty sweet, too. 


What’s your hidden talent?

I can sing and play the flute at the same time.