Its been an exciting week. We’re almost ready to announce the launch date for our first ever Closed Alpha! At our most recent meeting, the development team assessed the current state of the game, and decided its ready for some feedback from you, the community.
We’ve been busy creating our Steam store page, filling out forms and preparing marketing materials. Alpha testing will be distributed through Steam. If you are interested in grabbing a key for the alpha, make sure you’re in our Discord server and following us on social media. Here’s all the links:
The first version of the game for the alpha will be single-player only, with a rough tutorial area (“AlphaTutorial”) and an early grey-box version of the first multiplayer map (code-named “SmallMap”). We want to focus testing on gameplay mechanics and local player issues before looking for multiplayer bugs. In the weeks following the alpha launch, we will be enabling multiplayer.
If you’re already following us or in our Discord, invite some friends to join you! The game will be multiplayer focused, so you’ll want to make sure you have allies you can trust in a tough fight.

Work in Progress grey-box version of SmallMap