Its our first blog post of the decade! There’s a lot happening at Project Ambitious Games, and we’ve got so much planned for 2020.
Unlocking Abilities
Update 0.6.5 introduced the Ability Store in Revn. Unlocking abilities is the main progression system in Revn.
As of Patch 0.6.5, here’s how you access the store:
- Start by editing a loadout. This will show you all the abilities you own, plus any temporarily available abilities (we plan to have a weekly rotation of free abilities). Below those, it will show abilities you can purchase.
- Abilities can be purchased with either of two currencies, Shards and Credits. Credits are earned after every match, while Shards are a premium currency that will be available for purchase in the future.
- Owned abilities are shown with a check-mark.
- To edit your loadout, click the ability you would like to replace. You can then select a new ability for that slot, and either equip or purchase that ability. Clicking ‘Purchase’ will ask which currency you want to use.
- Clicking Exit will close the editor without saving any changes. Click Save to close the editor and keep your changes.
We are still working on the store, and there will be bugs. We appreciate your patience as we polish everything. If you find a bug, please report it in our Discord server.
Role Survey (January 2020 edition)
We are conducting a survey (again) to find out what categories of abilities need the most work. You can also use the form to give us suggestions for new abilities, or which abilities should be reworked.
Click here to fill out the January 2020 Role Survey
Filling out this survey is a HUGE help for us. It gives us some great guidelines for our roadmap, and (hopefully) we’ve improved satisfaction in some of the categories that were poorly rated in the last survey.
Progress towards Alpha Milestone 7
We have completed over 60% of our tasks for Alpha Milestone 7! Consumables are working, with med kits, energy kits, and vision wards implemented. We’re working on concept art for the vision wards, seen below.

Vision Ward Concept Art
The UI for character customization has gotten a major rework, with more features on the way. Environment materials got a minor touch-up, but we need to do a detail pass on models before we can texture most of the map.
The Ability Store was our biggest roadmap goal, and its working (with a few bugs). We’re carefully monitoring it to polish out issues as fast as possible.
The Daily Challenges system is in development, but we don’t have anything to show yet. I’d expect a rough prototype in a week or two, starting with a basic “first win of the day” challenge + reward.
Game Wisdom Podcast Episode
I appeared on Josh Bycer’s Game Wisdom podcast and had a wonderful chat about game design and some of the strategies we use when creating Revn. You can watch the full podcast here. Unfortunately, my webcam footage got stretched, but we should have that sorted out for any future podcasts.